- Rifles are shot 50 yards only on west range. Targets are placed in front of and just above wood wall.
- Pistols are shot 25 yards or less on the east range. Targets are placed 5 to 25 yards, your choice.
- Always enter shooting area from the north side (behind firing line).
- Shell deflector screens are available for semi-auto shooters. Use them.
- If you are hit by hot brass from a semi-auto firearm, it will burn or blister you. Cover all exposed areas and wear a hat when around this type of firearm. If burned while holding a loaded firearm, Keep it pointed down range.
- Full automatic shooting is not allowed.
- Armor piercing, incendiary, flash bang, tracer or explosive rounds are not allowed at the range.
- All guns and ammo behind the firing line (yellow safety line) are to remain in cases or boxes.
- When guns are uncased on the firing line you will immediately open the action, cylinder, gate or put it on half cock and place the barrel pointed down range.
- At alltimes in allcircumstances, all guns will be pointed down-range until they are placed unloaded back in their cases.
- Only load magazines and guns at the shooting bench.
- Paper targets (any kind), balloons or used clays are the only type of targets shot at these ranges. Mount paper and balloons on target frames provided behind the shooting line. Place used clays in the berm.
- No laying of target stands on shooting benches or anywhere on the firing line.
- All firing will be from behind the shooting bench, in either a standing or sitting position.
- Drawing from a holster is not allowed at any time.
- Never shoot at or near the top of the safety berm.
- Don’t allow your bullets to impact railroad ties, concrete walks or anything other than the large dirt berm. On the 50 yard only rifle range, place targets in front of and just above wood wall. An ar scope mount can be helpful in hitting targets.
- Never shoot across another shooter.
- Double tab defensive shooting is allowed.
- Rapid-fire is not allowed, it is discouraged due to lack of control and the possibility of a squib load. (Note: a squib load is a bullet that does not leave the barrel, and if another round is fired into it, your barrel will explode.)
- Firing line command and control is the use of range commands by a range officer to assure a safe start or stop, to shooting in a unified process by those on the firing line. Therefore, when more than one person is on the firing line.Two decisions must be made by the shooters. Who will act as range officer? How long will the range be hot?
- Range Commands you will hear and use. The red flashing lights are turned on whenever a cease fire is called and turned off when firing resumes.To stop shooting;
“Cease Fire” – If a dangerous situation is noticed its each persons responsibility to call this command. If it’s a planned cease fire the range officer will inform each shooter when a cease fire will be called by the range officer.
- a) stop shooting
- b) keep firearm pointed down range
- c) finger off trigger
- d) wait for further commands
“Resume Firing”– if a dangerous situation has been resolved.
“Unload your guns”
“Remove Magazines”
“Actions Open”
If the action will not stay open on its own. Put something onto the action to hold it open. Such as a spent brass or plastic.
“Are We Clear on the Right? Are We Clear on the Left?”
If you’re not clear inform the range officer.
“Everyone behind the yellow line” – you must not step or reach across the yellow safety line until shooting resumes.
range officer will then walk the line and check all guns.
”Line is clear, you may go down range and check your targets”.
You should tend to your target and frame in an efficient manner. Then return to the yellow safety line. Remember, stay out of the fireing line (between shooting bench and yellow safety line) area.
“Is Anyone Down Range?”- it is your responsibility and everyone else who is on the firing line, to look down range for people or items that should not be there.
To start shooting;
If you see anyone or anything other than targets down range inform the range officer.
“Are we ready on the right? Are we ready on the left?”
If there is a problem inform the range officer.
“You may Load Your Guns and Commence Firing”
This is when you may cross the yellow safety line.
Only when the firing line is clear can you clean up your brass.
Don’t cross the yellow line!
Place misfires in “dud box” or take home.
Re-hang target frames on proper hooks when finished shooting.
“Safety is everyone’s business”
Safety glasses and ear protection mandatory in all shooting areas
Contact Us
8888 East Mohawk Blvd. N.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74117
(918) 272-0262
Spring/Summer Hours - Daylight Savings Time
9:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed
9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Fri, Sat & Sun
Fall/Winter Hours
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Wed
9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Fri, Sat & Sun
Copyright 2018 - Tulsa Gun Club
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