General Rules & Information

  • All weapons are assumed loaded – always point them in a safe direction. at this club “up” is not a safe direction. Always verify that weapons are unloaded when picking them up or when they are handed to you.
  • ALWAYS THINK SAFETY. You are responsible for your safety and the safety of those around you. Anyone who observes an unsafe act should immediately take action by politely correcting the individual or individuals involved, calling for a cease-fire, or notifying the club manager, whichever is applicable.
  • Keep your gun unloaded and action open at all times except when standing on the shooting station ready to shoot. This includes when you are bringing a gun from your vehicle to the shooting area or back to your vehicle. The only exception is when the gun is in a shotgun rack or case. The gun action can be closed, but must be reopened when it is taken from the rack or case.
  • Any gun carried over the shoulder must be carried with the barrel forward.
  • All persons at the range MUST wear proper eye and ear protection! This  includes guests, spectators and workers. You should be wearing these before entering a shooting area. NOTE: Shooting glasses that give best protection are those that cover all around the eye area.
  • You are 100% responsible for your guest. It is up to you to give them a safety briefing.
  • NEVER LOAD YOUR WEAPON except when standing on the shooting station ready to shoot. Always unload your gun completely of both live and fired shells and open the guns’ action before turning around and walking off the station. If it is necessary to turn around to talk,  ask a question or there is any hold-up while shooting the guns action should be open or the arrow removed from the bow,  Always keep your focus and your weapon pointed down range when loading, loaded or preparing to fire.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
  • Always be sure the path to the target and beyond is clear.
  • No smoking, food or drink in shooting areas.
  • Do not shoot wildlife on club property.
  • In case of gun malfunction, If you have a live round that cannot be extracted, gun must be pointed down range   until cleared. Get assistance from range officer or club manager.
  • In case of a misfire, keep gun pointed down – range and wait at least 30 seconds (muzzleloaders, 2 minutes) before opening action.
  • No intoxication, intoxicating beverages or drug impairment is permitted on or near the range.
  • Clean up spent shotgun hulls and pistol/rifle brass when finished shooting and the firing line is clear.
  • Put all litter in trash barrels. Leave the range in better condition than you found it.
  • In all instances not covered by established safety rules, the decision and direction of the club management will be final.
  • Speed limit on club property is 10 MPH.


Shotgun Safety

  • Max shot size and loads allowed are 7 1/2 shot and 3 1/4 drams.
  • Release trigger shotguns must be labeled as such with a large sticker on the stock.  Always notify referee and other shooters when using one.
  • Only one shot per target.
  • Do not load more than 2 shells at 5-stand and skeet stations 1 through 7 or trap doubles. Do not load more than 1 shell at skeet station 8, or trap singles.
  • At skeet station 8, face the high house for a single shot. Then face the low house for a single shot (2 shots, 2 targets if perfect round); the center stake is your boundary marker. Do not swing gun past boundary marker.
  • A squad should not have more than 5 shooters.
  • A squad should move from station to station as a group.
  • Skeet shooters not on the shooting station should be ready for their turn and remain behind the station.
  • Shooters MUST always be alert to traffic along entrance road and stop shooting until area is clear.
  • Skeet shooters MUST always be alert to persons approaching trap houses
  • Never walk directly in front of low house openings on the skeet fields. When picking up fired hulls, walk out and around the path of the target. Be careful not to expose yourself to other fields.
  • No hulls are to be picked-up during a round of skeet or trap.


Pistol and Rifle Safety

  • Rifles are shot 50 yards only on west range.​ Targets are placed in front of and just above wood wall.
  • Pistols are shot 25 yards or less on the east range. Targets are placed 5 to 25 yards, your choice.
  • Always enter shooting area from the north side (​behind firing line).
  • Shell deflector screens are available for semi-auto shooters. Use them.
  • If you are hit by hot brass from a semi-auto firearm, it will burn or blister you. Cover all exposed areas and wear a hat when around this type of firearm. If burned while holding a loaded firearm, Keep it pointed down range.
  • Full automatic shooting is not allowed.
  • Armor piercing, incendiary, flash bang, tracer or explosive rounds are not allowed at the range.
  • All guns and ammo behind the firing line (yellow safety line) are to remain in cases or boxes.
  • When guns are uncased on the firing line you will immediately open the action, cylinder, gate or put it on half cock and place the barrel pointed down range.
  • At all times in all circumstances, all guns will be pointed down-range until they are placed unloaded back in their cases.
  • Only load magazines and guns at the shooting bench.
  • Paper targets (any kind), balloons or used clays are the only type of targets shot at these ranges. Mount paper and balloons on target frames provided behind the shooting line. Place used clays in the berm.
  • No laying of target stands on shooting benches or anywhere on the firing line.
  • All firing will be from behind the shooting bench, in either a standing or sitting position.
  • Drawing from a holster is not allowed at any time.
  • Never shoot at or near the top of the safety berm.
  • Don’t allow your bullets to impact railroad ties, concrete walks or anything other than the large dirt berm. On the 50 yard only rifle range, place targets in front of and just above wood wall.
    Never shoot across another shooter.
  • Double tab defensive shooting is allowed.
  • Rapid-fire is not allowed, it is discouraged due to lack of control and the possibility of a squib load. (Note: a squib load is a bullet that does not leave the barrel, and if another round is fired into it, your barrel will explode.)
  • Firing line command and control is the use of range commands by a range officer to assure a safe start or stop, to shooting in a unified process by those on the firing line. Therefore, when more than one person is on the firing line. Two decisions must be made by the shooters. Who will act as range officer? How long will the range be hot?
  • Range Commands you will hear and use. The red flashing lights are turned on whenever a cease fire is called and turned off when firing resumes.
    1)“Cease Fire” –  If a dangerous situation is noticed its each  persons responsibility to call this command. If it’s a planned cease fire the range officer will inform each shooter when a cease fire will be called by the range officer.
    a) stop shooting b) keep firearm pointed down range
    c) finger off trigger
    d) wait for further commands
    “Resume Firing”- if a dangerous situation has been resolved.
    2) “Unload your guns”
    3) “Remove Magazines”
    4) “Actions Open”5)“Are We Clear on the Right? Are We Clear on the Left?”
    6)“Everyone behind the yellow line”
    7) ”Line is clear, you may go down range and check your targets”.
    8) “Is Anyone Down Range?”-  it is your responsibility and everyone else who is on the firing line, to look down range for people or items that should not be there.
    9) “Are we ready on the right? Are we ready on the left?”
    10) “You may Load Your Guns and Commence Firing”

Archery Safety

  • Always be sure the path to the target and beyond is clear before drawing your arrow.
  • Never point an arrow at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
  • Arm guards and finger tabs or similar equipment are highly recommended.
  • ​Participants are encouraged to have their own protective equipment.
  • Make sure your equipment, bow, bowstring, arrows, and guards, are in proper working condition.
  • Place an arrow in the string only when you are ready to take a shot. Do not walk, run or turn around with a mounted arrow.
  • Make sure no one is near enough to your bow when it is released as to be hurt. Always be aware of danger areas of arrows and bow tips.
  • Arrows, when shot, can be dangerous penetrating weapons. Never, under any circumstances point a mounted arrow in an unsafe direction.
  • Under no circumstances is an archer to step in front of the shooting line to retrieve an arrow while others are shooting even if they’re shooting at a nearby station.
  • When behind target area lean bow against target to indicate your presence.

Agreement to Safety Orientation

Contact Us




8888 East Mohawk Blvd. N.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74117

(918) 272-0262

Spring/Summer Hours - Daylight Savings Time

9:00 am - 6:00 pm Wed
9:00 am - 6:00 pm; Fri, Sat & Sun

Fall/Winter Hours

9:00 am - 5:00 pm Wed
9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Fri, Sat & Sun

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